Spokane Local Honey
We produce one of Spokane’s finest raw, local honey. Our bees our located in the Spokane County areas where there is an abundant source of wild fields and meadows for the worker bees.
Wildflower Honey
Our spring wildflower honey is a sweet and clear, silky-smooth texture that will drip from your spoon before you can catch it! Spring wildflower honey is great for tea, toast, oatmeal, peanut-butter honey sandwich for the kids, allergy treatments, and common cold treatments. Our summer honey flow starts in July and has the perfect balance of natural sweetness and texture. This honey is ideal for general all around use including tea or toast in the morning and is typically gathered from Star Thistle (Knapweed), sweet clover, snowberries and other wildflowers. We also harvest the rare peppermint honey which has its own unique taste as well as strong anti-bacterial properties.
Sizes and Pick Up:
Honey pick up is available in person in Spokane Valley, Downtown Spokane, or North Spokane. Call (509) 850-0454 to arrange.
Direct Pricing:
- Pint (Glass): $20
- Quart (Glass): $30
- Gallon (Plastic bucket or Milk Jug): $80
Call us direct or purchase our honey through any of our partnering stores listed below.